It has been exactly one year since i’ve wished on the limited banner, completely f2p
Be honest, would you save him or drink him?
Best ice variant???
Is this game still massively played today?
Finally, after more than 2 years and failed 50/50, I thought I'd never get her, but she's finally here.I've been waiting for her so long I still don't believe she's real.
Which character would you remove from the game for each side?
Opinions on these
In your opinion who’s the most underrated character
So when will albedo get a rerun next?
Ayato + Xiangling + Bennet + Jean
Ayato burst scaling (via Sai)
I'll go first
Yall replece the third letter of your name with H
Explain a video game horribly and have other people guess it
Welp I finally got a flower so now I can run my new highest CV artifact on Noelle :D Loosing out on 13.4% DEF isn't to bad in exhange for a lot more CR and CD as well as a tad bit more ER in exhange of being able to use this new sands, especially since I am running her on DEF sands and DEF goblet.
Just got her to 259cv
155 skins, need it gone, don’t waste my time, full access
I’ve been getting back into GW2 so have my mains because why not
PvZ characters and their Overwatch counterparts
These 3 characters are usually relative/interchangeable on most players’ tier lists. How do you rank them from best to worst?
I started Genshin because of Shenhe and I C6 her today
Herrr derrr uh huh derrrrr
Offers? not really on fortnite like i used to
Worst Character Tournament Day 6 / Armor Chomper vs Toxic Citron
Didn’t know all-star was chill like that