Guess My Emissive on this Fashion Slot is Purple Forever 🫠
4 years and 8 months later, finally got the War to drop. What a glorious day.
Steve Is So Proud He Didn't Spoil Something For Once 😂
That face, the onosecond!
Enemy Speed Boosts are OP Please Nerf
What is this MONSTROSITY
What was your welcome to steel path moment?
It's not the best form of ASD rep, but DE at least gets an A for effort
spin to win
Has anyone gotten this KIM conversation? I saw it on the Quincy wiki page and now I'm curious.
Do you keep only the Prime versions of the Warframes?
They're the true OGs
What's One Very Small Thing In Warframe That Pisses You Off?
If I have to use guns to remove OG to use abilities on enemies, I'll simply stop using CC frames
Thoughts and feelings about Routes/Zygarde Cells?
Chad Stalker is now available [Mods]
What silly, fun builds have you all been running?
400 days, five 75% off discount tickets and 0 hours spent on Gyre later, I can finally play Atlas
Are Voidshell skins still a thing?
Need help deciding
Anyone willing to trade plastids
Go away! I’ve hatched enough and caught enough, please make them go away
What is the strongest shiny you ever got !?
What's your favorite BAD Warframe?
Genuine question, is ESO not for leveling stuff any more or uncommon?