How I predict the next chapters will go
Underrated Art
Just got robbed at gunpoint
Mark my words: by the end of the year, there will be a massive rise in self defense tools, either firearms (LTC) or pepper sprays, and someone will be getting killed.
Major change to Business
UH cop smashes into intersection
I understand believe me but
Soju streams be like
Suspect arrested, students dissatisfied with UH's response following sexual assault case
Why I doubt there will be change
What in the hell is happening to this school this week?
Everyone look at the time of the alert, it’s NOT EVEN 6 PM WTF
Considering Transferring!!!
This is getting out of hand!
What is happening???
Really? We’re robbing scooters?
Curtain falls
Ask the Author part 1
Act of Defiance
Transcended Changing Star
things sunny has gained from most recent arc
Would this be the height difference between Sunny and Nephis??
Sunny is still manipulated even as Fateless
Who has the coolest challenge hand motion?