so i obviously scratch it, right? (seriously asking)
Was this a bad idea
Finally completed my s1 amethyst set. Here’s beryl through amethyst… ruby next? 🤔
A Hedgie Bedtime Story
Jake the Snake wins day 2! Day 3: A bad player who is loved by the fans
I know night are scam hours but did I miss something? Japan news finally gonna finally gonna move the markets for tomorrow or...?
Is blub dead?
What motivates you to get your ass out of bed?
Nat Turner calling BS. Bullish!
Why do redemption cards cost so much?
WTS!! Anyone chasing S4 #70 Bitcoin? I gots a sapphire for thee! Also still have a Musa CF available!
What’s an example of a movie that was like this?
Worth Grading or No?
VERY weird behavior on the graded Pokemon Cards
Anyone taking lamictal ever have small weird red dots on hand
DAE casually eat coffee beans?
What are signs someone has never been in a relationship?
I’d like to gift two people complete base sets 1-60 (no sp). Be the 69th person to comment and the 420th comment to win.(pic for attention)
if you were to redo your early 20s, what would you do?
How much of a woman’s beauty is in her hair?
♠️♦️Poker Tournament Tonight ♥️♣️ approximate start time: 7pm Central - top 3 spots take home prizes. Details and link in post...
SUI represents how many percent of your portfolio
S1 Redemption odds