H:TFJ W: 3800 Leaders
H: bunnabun + David's trophy(complete set, rosalynn's memorial photo, roses AI) W: leaders, apparel, glowing masks, other misc items
H: Red Asylum W: Offers
H: bunnabun + David's trophy(complete set, rosalynn'smemorial photo, roses AI): leaders, apparel, glowing masks, other misc items
H: leaders, apparel(high and low tier), misc items(rare and common items), W: tesla lobber rolled and/or unrolled
(Ps4) H: Roses + vox syringer W: leaders, apparel, offers
H: 650 leaders + David's trophy set( includes David's trophy + photo of rosalynn's memorial + rose's Ai program) + fancy Devils blood vial + 5k sd1 maps + 200 gb3 mags W: leather coat
(Ps4) H: leaders, apparel, legacy items,NW weapons, mics items, maps, magazines, bobbleheads W: rolled or unrolled tesla lobber
H: apparel w: leaders
[PS] Pricecheck - Polly's Assaultron Head (Weapon)
H: Leather coat -- W: Leader offers
H: 650 leaders + David's trophy set( includes David's trophy + photo of rosalynn's memorial + rose's Ai program) + fancy Devils blood vial + 5k sd1 maps + 200 gb3 mags
W: LC (leather coat) H: leaders, apparel, misc items, rare collectable weapons, magazines, sd1 maps, just about anything you want just ask
H: Devils Blood Vial Misc + 900 Bobblehead Leaders + Glowing Pig + 5 Aegis Box Mods + 5 Reflective Box Mods W: Bunnabun Misc + Chemical Containment Misc + Trench Mask Misc + Nuka Cola 6 Pack Trio Set Misc ( Scorched, Vaccinated, My Bloods In It )
H: Images W: Leaders/Apparel/Displayable Misc items
H: Roses syringer end game misc item W: Apparel bundles, glowing masks, Leaders, other rare misc/legacy misc items, invisible weapons, reverse scout set, offers, read description
H: Feind W: 5x rangers
H:Q5025 Fixer W:LEADERS
H: 500 leaders+David's trophy +bunnabun W: leather coat
H: end game misc W: leaders, apperal, glowing masks, offers
H: 1000 Gb3 mags W: tesla 9, big gun bobbles, leaders, other offers
H: 14,568 sd1 maps W: leaders, apparel, glowing masks, tesla 9 mags, other offers
H: gp and 4* mods W: tesla 9 mags, big gun bobbles, other offers
H: Glowing Pig Mask W: 550 Leaders
H: Responders Fireman Uniform (no helmet) W: Leaders or Other Rare Apparel