Why does Sweden have many talented music producer ?
Bebisstol i disk på McDonalds, vad tycker ni om detta?
English in sweden
What Is Worth More Than All The Money In The World?
Sverige är i toppen på Ojämlikhet, Arbetslöshet och Belåning - varför?
8 av 10 företag vill växa – men hittar inte personal
What countries are taxing their citizens and then sending money to the U.S.?
How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
Lyssnar du ofta på Vinyl, CD eller rent av kassetter?
What is everyone’s average debt.
What do people who don't drink or smoke do when they feel depressed?
What are the benefits of being bald?
To Americans is it considered being born late if your parents was 32 when you where born?
Elnätsavgift vattenfall
Hur börjar man gå på gym?
Humanity must vote on forever daytime or forever nightime.
AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
Your entire professional field is going to be forgotten in 3 days.
If your country completely collapsed tommorrow, and you had to flee the country, would you have a valid passport and other needed documents for allowed entry?
2 euro coin price? 2002 G
Things that if you said them to a Star Wars fan would make them hate you
Found in my dad's coins...is this gold?
Var kan man få tag på väteperoxid?
You find a large suitcase in the woods containing $10,000,000 , what would you do with it ?
WYR have $1MM wired into your bank account tax free or $3MM in cash all $100 bills?