Is it okay to write swear words if you're Catholic?
Thoughts on arkham two faces design
What would be your fav team up between a batfam member and someone outside of DC? (Doesn’t have to be one of these)
Which Transformers cartoon did you watch for the first time during its television airing?
Todd Howard says Bethesda won't be remaking Fallout 1 and 2
I know it's bad, but still how's it?
Which 1960s Batman villian deserves a comeback?
What would be the mortal combat fatality of the AF aliens?
So, the Carnitrix?
If you had omnitirx what alien you would avoid turning into besides it was pretty good in the show? For me its Heatblast.
Sentient Ultimate Humungosaur is Dead?
Renaming Ben's Transformations, Day 62: Spitter! - If you're having trouble with your electronics, maybe you're experiencing Short Circuit, Buzzshock's new name! Now Ben Prime's last transformations, so if you have an idea, spit it out!
What’s “that one level” of the game that you hate replaying?
Does anyone else remember this show?
Anyone remember that era of CN where there were a bunch of live action shows?
Trevor killed both his father and brother(Ryan) Gta 5
The cleanest Gta game?
A suspected drunk driver accidentally reported himself to police after he called 911 when he thought a car was going the wrong way
How does this thumbnail encourage looking for a good time. (YouTube Recommends)
Make your comments look like his search history.
Doctor Strange opens the wrong portal
Why did I do this?
What would you order if you only had $2.51?
Anya meets Grimlock.
What if Venom talked to Spider-Man, like he does with Eddie?