How do I synthesise this waveform? :)
Peetah! What am I missing?
Need to talk with someone who recently broke up with a bpd situationship and fking cry
Look at these Portugese perfecting Italian cuisine ✌🏻
type me you funnies
You Were Never Silent, You Were Silenced (Reality Check)
Shots fired
Eten jullie gehakt altijd met of met zonder schil?
energy drink
35, nog nooit gewerkt, leeg CV, ik wil iets doen
Is it really emotional manipulation when they are truly in pain?
Wow, the feeling of connection between others is beautiful!
Want to get back to playing buy hesitant for personal reasons, is the game bleak and depressing entirely?
Unless they get kidnapped by an ENxx of course.
klop jij af?
If "most people with BPD recover," why does it seem like everyone I know does not?
Now I’m the Perpetrator??
Are ENFP's attention seeker? ( narcissist tendency?)
We need to talk about the piano roll...
a girl said hi to me and this is what goes in my mind:
Two of the most manipulative BPD texts I’ve ever gotten after setting a boundary.
What is the greatest upside - and what is the greatest downside of being an ENFP? (From your subjective experience)
How was you first meeting with your infj? I never met one
My first
So new to game…