Thoughts on Cody Leach?
Today On The Snyder Cult: They're Pretending To Be Hyped For The Smurfs Just To "Own" Superman 2025
Legendary 'Star Wars' composer John Williams has passed gas at the age of 93.
Hannah Montana alternate finale
Can't we all just admit that Snyder cult is just as bad as Snyder haters?
Elon Musk is the worst businessman ever.
got recommended a channel named Brave New Slop, opinion?
'Beyond betrayal.' Venezuelans in Florida are angry at Trump immigration policy
Supporting F4 just to spite Superman
The "mR ScHUe hAS No aDuLT FriENdS" arguments
‘makes cuckoo call’
We want to see colourful superheroes again
Do you think Kathleen Kennedy would receive the same amount of hate she gets if she was a man?
He is more than qualified
Why does he want to fuck gunn? Is he gay?
r/BatmanArkham is going to war with the top poster of r/SnyderCut
If you were to make an ideal Flash movie trilogy, what villains would you use?
How many times can Jeremy’s fans say that these celebs are on the Diddy list despite no evidence yet?! Don’t listen to these people kids.
Does anyone question Lucy Hale for being an Ezria fan?
What songs/Music did you discover because of regular show?
They can't "save" Star Wars, buddy. They can only do the opposite
If Quinn was in The Quarterback, what would her story be?
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