Why is Evie the only one without a royal status but everyone else is?
Red has Christmas, Bridget has Valentine's day... but what about Chloe? what Holiday would she own?
If RoR never existed, what kind of story/plot would you have chosen for a spin off of the franchise?
The Leadership of Auradon is incompetent
Do you think Maleficient is Bald and torturing people who have hair ?
My young Maleficent cosplay
It's Our turn now, What Triggers this Fandom y'all?
How was 2024 for you?
Every time I open the story he grows
Cigarettes and bipolar disorder
And this, ladies and gents, is how I eat my Takis
oh hell naw
Burnt takis actually hit so hard
Was this written by a 12 year old 😆
By far the best bag I've ever gotten 🫢
I really can't with the MC 😭😭
Selling my account
What's episode obsession with tiny mcs😭 (Eternal Love)
This is just evil dude
well no actually! but thanks for making my anxiety worse and confirming thoughts that no one likes me
I cannot stand Phaedra Parks.