Say something negative about this game
Who is one player you always end up with in Franchise Mode?
Why is this even a debate? lmao.
So since they pay players now (NIL) can we get a college basketball game?
Just stop.
Something isn't right, Madden. I just can't figure out what.
Body James's, new album
How is this manga not massively popular?
This was my running backs stats at the end of the online franchise season. Jalen hurts somehow won mvp as the #4th best QB.
This game is actually garbage
The drink is hope. Who is greed
why the heck is there no tush push in this game
What dead rappers do you miss the most?
Does villains wear glasses?
Should I delete all my dialogues?
What is your favorite Benny the Butcher song and why?
Smino posted him, Jordan Ward, and Paco in the studio
Does this panel look decent?
Almost as if the problem isn't that she's bald
I agree so much, he gets so much strays, for me male V had a better performance. Does anyone here love male V
RIP Naughty Dog.
What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up as V in NC?
there’s no way he’s real
Dragon Ball labeled greatest anime by the Japanese
The Last of Us: Part 2 - "A Poorly Written Story" - N°22