Stellar Crown or Shrouded Fable ?
Aftermath after a case of booster bundles
My first chase card, took a few boxes when I was younger but still have it today.
Anyone get this GameStop email?
Thank you Fed Ex
30 Prismatic Evo booster bundles at 18.50 a piece. Rip or hold?
My Son potentially acquired this at school.
Gamestop msrp
Pokemon Drops on Saturday Now
This hobby is tiring and it's not because of the scalpers
Spotted in the wild
Have I been scammed
What do you guys think of the new vending machine limits rolling out?
PC PE ETB Cases in Existence
These ancient legendaries look silly.
At shows such as collectacon do merchants have interest in raw cards?
GameStop grading
Haven't bought cards in over 20 years. Just sent some of childhood cards off for grading and felt nostalgic, so went to buy a couple packs. Is this seriously the state of every store now?
Pokémon Kiosk Limits!👀
Happy Pokemon Day from GameStop!
In light of the current BestBuy situation
Awesome pulls from Amazon Mystery boxes
Pokemon Cards switched
Shop offered $25?
36 packs of PE later😳