AITAH if I'm upset that my husband mentioned getting a paternity test?
Colostrum letdown at 22 weeks
Oversupply of milk. Advice needed to slow this down, please.
For all my labour symptom hunters and chronic googlers...
On UK DTP reserve list
Super pooper at 40+1... anyone else have this symptom before labour?
How long was it until labour started for you after your sweep and bloody show?
39 weeks lots of hard period like cramps
What was your hcg levels at 20-21 dpo?
Dad to be
Accidental unassisted birth!
18w with SO MUCH movement, is it normal?
When is your due date?
Easy@home 8 or 9 days past ovulation. Spotting
How does anyone have energy to nest in the third trimester??
No heart beat at early scan
I often dream about my abusers and actually letting them do something sexually with me
Dating after pregnancy
I didn’t know that this group was called pregnant and married
Let me see your unconventional rings!
39+2 and finally lost my mucous plug!! What did that mean for you?
Only gained 4.9 kg and im 25+3 . Worried about stagnant weight gain.
Braxton hicks after sweep
Is anyone else just wondering if they’re even actually pregnant?
Back pain vs. early labour pains?