Which build is better?
2k really want us playing mobile...
Struggling with jumpshot timing / visual cue
Did the update rhythm shooting?
Lose Lose Lose Lose Lose
This guy is just.. and he never, not even once passed a ball to a teammate.
Switch affiliation to get Starter 3 Cap Breakers again?
Are park servers dead or ar we in the wrong spot?
31 Steals Combined From Both Teams. 15 Came In The First Quarter Alone . Totally Fine🙃
Throw the whole game away
Looking to get into NBA2K
Near 6 months since release, what are the obvious build must haves now?
33pts 20boards with perfect shooting on an 81 overall 🔥
Capbreaker as a season reward
Can't view pop up shop Clothing
Build review- had the same build since release day
Is this a new high?
Season 4 City Champions
Want your opinion if you were a new player what position do you think is easiest to play?
2x Rep Wear and Earn wednesday
Is this why people make center builds? If you see this idiot (highlighed), avoid him like the plague. He's an admitted, intentional seller.
How do I stop 2kTV from playing its videos and overtaking the main menu?
Shooting sucks!
Question About Body Type
Hey please let me know If I did or didn't do anything wrong in this game