People only hate Strauss just because of the fact they believe he’s the reason Arthur met his end when it was his choice, not because of the fact he was Loan Shark
im like 15 episodes in so no spoilers but holy shit these mfs are eating spagetti/pasta every time theres food onscreen. they got tony eating spagetti at the fucking strip club. these kids havent had an ounce of protein in like 12 years man
Why did Tony want Janice to attend Livia's funeral so bad? To the point where he allowed her to manipulate him into paying $1100 for what I guess is a luxury first class flight which she absolutely did not need.
Maybe Matthew Bevilaqua and Sean Gismonte should have spent more time up in da club?
It's too bad they don't have a telethon for fuckface-itis, huh? They find a cure yet?
Why the hell was Jackie Jr. whacked?
The only way Clint Eastwood could appear in a movie adaption is a cameo as Blind Man Cassidy
Insomniac Games taking over for Jak and Daxter
Who is this? wrong answers only
I want to know why there's zero growth in this family's territory?
Should i pay?
What are you excited for?
Which Mary do you like better?
What's the saddest note yall found and read in tlou2?
Paulie is the most failed mobster on Sopranos.
Vasgar environmental design/lighting appreciation post
The Dollars Trilogy 4K
Terrible accident that kid had.
What else comes close to this thing of ours?
Anyone else who think that Richie was written off too soon?
BREAKING NEWS: GTA 7 is reportedly set to take place inside of my smelly body
Why did Epic or PCF make the changes to gameplay that they did for Gears Judgement?
Is it bad that it took me until id finished the show and started looking at shitposts here that I realised little carmine was speaking gibberish?
so uhhh...RE: Forza Horizon 5 for PlayStation