How much is your Ajovy prescription?
Brf, droppar genom taket
Vilken är den bästa boken du någonsin läst?
Explain Interstellar like you’re explaining it to a 5 year old.
I GASPED when my sumitriptan opened like this on the first try
Got told dotnet won't be around in 10 years
Sweden seeks to change constitution to be able to revoke citizenships
Borde kvinnor få möjligheten att ta en dag ledigt från arbetet på värsta mensdagen?
[WP] Before entering cryo-stasis you were shown a picture of the lush green planet that was going to be your new home. When you awoke from cryo-sleep you found not a paradise, but a polluted, uninhabitable planet filled with nothing but ruins.
Does anyone not vomit anything up when you have a migraine?
c# with react front end
Tabell över skattesänkningar (lön) för 2025
Our washing machine identifies as a sl*t after it's done washing
Finally bought Elden Ring...and I'm not sure it's for me.
Så sjukt glad jag bor i Sverige
Why does everyone seem to know the term Shai Halud? And did movies and series alter the time line of some major events by thousands of years?
ELI5: how did people survive thousands of years ago, including building shelter and houses and not dying (babies) crying all the time - not being eaten alive by animals like tigers, bears, wolves etc
The last name debate with my partner
Technology seems same/more advanced than what's shown in recent movies. Why? do or don't
Societies without cars are possible? Not just cities.
Edward Blom rasar över SVT:s vegobeslut: ”Politisk aktivism” | Nöje
I believe in CIG
.NET developers - what industry do you work in and what kind of software do you build?