The Lady
Im looking for an abstract oracle deck
How do I stop the lines from becoming chain stitches?
Insurance Rates
The hand of alchemy.
Mooving to Whitehorse without a job/room is crazy?
Sacred heart with evil eye. Loving my colour scheme!
What's weird about your body?
Used “blocking” technique on this piece to get rid of puckering.
las-ag-na 🍝🧡🕶️
First time embroidering
Ballet bee!
5 year project finally on the wall.
Finally finished my first embroidery!
Just added 35+ hours of work but will BE WORTH IT
Silk threads?
Made this embroidery for a friend’s birthday of a card she painted for me 18 years ago.
Good restaurants?
Thoughts on couch? Bad decision?
What was the last show you binge-watched?
Price comparison between YG Liquor Store and Big Bear Liquor Store in Whitehorse
I love how proper he looks and his little booties!
I think I'm happy with the end result...doubting myself a lot on this one!
Landscape 3D