What's the best response to you're ugly?
songs that fill you w sm emotion it chokes you up
What are you holding onto that's holding you back?
Handling Setbacks
why does no one talk about how scary it is to possibly get stuck in a elevator?
What Is Your Favorite Movie Scene of All Time?
What’s one habit you picked up that drastically improved your physical health?
What is an activity or public event that a lot of people have experience but you haven't yet?
What’s the most surprising thing about adulthood?
What’s something your parents taught/told you that you will teach or have taught your own kids differently?
How my son’s cute little gecko sleeps versus how mine sleeps.
Do you want kids?
Goodbye sweet Diesel
Repashy vs Pangea is one really better?
What type of environment do you live in (city, suburbs, or the country) and if you’re not happy there, what stops you from making a change.
How often do you all mist your gecko, I’ve been misting it 1-2 times a day because that’s what the reptile shop I got it from said but I’m not sure if that’s too much
Brain cell needed to fix myself.
Holding gecko
drop some random acts of kindness people have shown you or you’ve witnessed!
What's something a close family/friend has said to you that you will never forget?
If you could go back in time, what is something you had control over that you would change, and how would that have altered the trajectory of your life.
What’s a seemingly minor decision that ended up changing your life?
No matter how many times I've tried over the years, I've always been disappointed by friends and I've never been their first choice. How can I learn to live with that?
What’s an adult problem nobody prepared you for?