Finished all the seasons, finally
A little nervous to begin, but Ive seen so many positive stories here. I have a question in regard to time and being unable to work out regularly
I don’t know how many women have been in Miranda’s place.
It's gotta be Candiace, surely?
I go back and forth with Tamra, but the one thing I will always give her credit for is discipline. Wowza
Norwegian Fastelavn traditional dessert. Sweet buns, cream and raspberry jam
So mad she didn't FT this lying liar
Given the nature of the show, and reading comments about Joey and Monica… Im asking everyone here:
Take out Sunday. Fried chicken sandwich
Me, trying to understand Braunwyn and Sean’s relationship. Situationship is more like it
Omg, Terry’s face doesn’t move on S16 and it creeps me out
Are there any episodes where you don’t have any sympathy for the narrator?
Ashley says she "cried like a baby" when she heard Karen's sentencing
Do you root for Shannon because you like her or just because she’s good TV?
Yaaas Boz😁 looking gorgeous in this confessional
RHOP to start filming without the Grand Dame
Welcome to the world
I dont know whether to laugh or cry. Are they so hot in Jamaica that they lost their minds? (S13)
I used to try to understand her, but I cant with Vicki anymore
Shannon body image
Doesnt take much to see that Jim couldn’t care less about his marriage to Meghan
Sketch of the Inmate Without Her Wig
Im on S11 and Kelly gets on my nerves. What an odd addition to the cast
Which “hot” guys from SATC that girls dated weren’t actually… hot? 😳
Who do you think has the hardest job in the show?