Why don’t gay men use the gay male flag as much?
Was told I should post here: lost my hair at 17- but gained a nice beard in the end :D
A wintery version
When would you prefer a trans guy disclose his status to you?
I feel like my world is shrinking
Beard or mustache?
Why are bald men shamed for wearing a hat or bandana?
Predatory practices
Intrepid at McKinley Station
Keth Sarr class intel courier in Star Trek Online
"New Earth" has been discovered near us: the planet may be habitable
Deeply offended by comments from my non-Jewish husband
How widespread is prejudice against American עולים?
It feels like the only people that care about the deaths of Jews, are other Jews.
Is it just me or is Gen Z constantly trying to date millennials and Gen X?
Would You Leave The U.S.?
What happened?
Took them more than a year
1997 in space shirt
Left leaning non-jewish partner wants to be active in pro-palestinian activism