ballpoint portal
ocean in pieces
leafs! worms.
flow field embroidery
flow field polygon leafs
ewww, this is getting out of hand... ;-S
furry girl
...sucked into the sorting snow
the other pixelsort - sorting noise to image
screw scroll...
no sin no cos no fuzz ;-) ...genuary27
fun with symmetries (genuary26)
genuary24 - triangles/squares/circles...
brutalism - genuary day 22
brutalism - genuary day 23
Genuary22 - gradients only (color gradients + mathematical gradients)
colliding bricks
generative (and most generic) architecture
generartive (and very generic) architecture ;-) ...Genuary - Day20
OpArt (genuary19)
Genuary Day 19 - OpArt
what does wind look like? ...genuary - day 18