Almost like AI art
What ethnicity should I give her :( ?
ne düşünüyorsunuz?
Erdoğan, 6 Şubat depremleri töreninde Cengiz, Kalyon ve Özdemir’e plaket verdi
Get it? Because... Yeah, I won't even try to explain the joke
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı 47 Sayfalık Gerekçesi: Teğmenler Subay Andını Okuyarak TSK’nın İtibarını Zedeledi
Found this and I disagree with it
Fransa'daki Mustafa Kemal Atatürk büstü, PKK terör örgütü sempatizanları tarafından çalındı.
I redesigned one of my aliens and now need feedback of you guys because this is the cool kids sub. Dont worry I included my fetish in it as well
Average Betterment Arxur and Human
Mother Stork Sacrifices Weak Chicks to increase survival chances of other babies
I don’t see why this is hard
Russian Anti-Bolshevik Postcards, 1930 (postcard)
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman'ın, 1521 Belgrad Fethi sonrası Sırp savaş esirlerini fillere ezdirerek idam ettirmesi.
Instagram'ın iyice rezilleşmesi
Yo guys did you know there was a literal dinosaur movie from Italy called Chicken Park? Its a movie about a guy who immediately begins try to get his stolen chicken back and During his searches he discovers an entire zoo full of gigantic chickens 💀.
The smallest dinosaur!
So are most of the herbivores in Jurassic Park just weaker versions of their real life counterparts? Or are they way stronger than they look?
i bet most of yall have no clue whats wrong with this image
Speculative question:If we left a bunch of elephants in cold environments for a few thousand years, would they become mammoths?
İsrail'in ilk başbakanı David Ben Gurion (solda) ve ikinci cumhurbaşkanı Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, İstanbul'da hukuk öğrencisiyken, 1912 civarı.
100% imposible