Why don’t space marines have mustaches? Picture for reference.
Kanye was a legend. Ye is a cunt
I'm looking to buy a cheap bass for my 8 year old I'm debating between these two.
Deckard Cain is the best bass player of all time! Change mind my mind.
I recently acquired a fretless bass, so I ask you - outside of Primus - what are your favorite fretless bass lines? (pic of Pino for attention, also because he looks badass.)
“Why do you like beavers?”
I found the LP I've always wanted right after purchasing this beautiful EC-1000.. only one can stay.
Did I fuck my bass up?
Anyone know what this Bass may be?
AIO to my gf being bisexual
Kim Jung Un Pulls out North Korean troops from Ukraine due to high casualties.
Beaver today in CT
Anyone else buy a firearm because of this game?
Artistic inspiration
Is it ok for my thumb to do this whenever I'm playing anything?
I have no words here
FGN Mighty Power w/ EMG active p pickups. Love me some PP action.
ICYMI: New Fender Standard Series, US$599.99, made in Indonesia
I just got my first guitar
My first guitar what u guys think?
My kids had friends over and ripped open my 7-11 Simpson’s comic.
Aio 36th birthday
New Fender Standard series, made in Indonesia
My Mom Demands I Move Out of My Apartment Because My Neighbor is 'Too Attractive'.