Jill’s Sisters Book Ch. 2
Chapters 4&5 of Jill’s Sisters Book
Jill’s Sisters Book Ch. 3
Chapters 6-9 of Torture 🤪
Quotes That I Highlighted in Jill’s Sisters Book
Results for a girl born in Wales, I was surprised to say the least...
Kids kept asking me if the teacher was coming back and whenever I said no they cheered.
the hastings house
Am I the only one who thinks this should be 8th grade?
Something reminded me of Jillpm’s sister Lisa writing a bad novel and the reviews are abysmal. I think the reviewers were expecting it to be awful and only read it because she’s related to Jill, but I appreciate not having to read it myself.
Blocked a school
The Hills visit Cabela’s and some Plexus bs
IBLP-esque references
Duggar Home Decor Part 2 featuring some delectable food
Just when I thought I’d seen it all…
Do you lie about being a lawyer to the public?
Of the 4 original liars (Spencer, Hanna, Emily, Aria) who is your least favorite?
Rodlets build snowmen at night in the cold.
David loves that chicken!
John Let Alyssa Out of the House
Rodlets React: “fried” chicken