It’s weird to name your child after NSFW book characters
Why!!! I need some help with Tower of Dawn.
Guilty pleasure names
Why do some people keep their pinky finger nail long?
Stupid question for parents in the USA
How did motherhood change your relationship to your mom?
Milk donation
The 3-4 month sleep regression can fuck off
How do you know your meds are wearing off?
Best lactose free or dairy free yogurts?
When to be concerned about solids
What’s the best looking Disney film?
I nearly did a double take when I unpacked these 😭
OB told me to wear my binder at all times even when sleeping. How long did you wear yours?
Would/Did you change your surname after marriage? Why?/Why not?
What is the weirdest thing you crave that you think is because of narcissistic trauma?
Does anyone actually do football hold?
So, what did you build your babies out of?
Does Dorian have a claim to the Terrasen throne?
Newborn Screams During Every Diaper and Outfit Change.What Are We Doing Wrong?
For those of you that read, how do you sit down and focus long enough to read?
Should breastfeeding not hurt at all, even initially?
What was your signs you were about to go into labor?