Rendered with my own custom code
2.2 billion gallons of water flowed out of California reservoirs because of Trump’s order to open dams
'They’d Feel the Pain' Trump’s Push for Canada as 51st State Continues This Afternoon
What do you think of Trump’s tarrif strategy now that Canada and Mexico have paused for 30 days to discuss new deals?
A recap of Canada/US relations for those just tuning in.
We in Europe remember that Canadians died to liberate our continent. In the face of Trump's madness, EU stands with Canada now! There is no reason why EU membership should be off the table. 🇪🇺🇨🇦
10:30 A.M. EST: Three provinces banning American liquor
How to say "bicycle" in European languages
What’s the most awkward moment you’ve had during sex?
What's a rule in your house growing up that you thought was normal but turned out to be very strange?
To all music fans, what is the darkest song that you have ever listened to?
LPT: If someone is being rude to you in a public setting (especially customer service), stay calm and confidently ask, ‘Are you okay?’ It flips the script instantly.
WIBTA if I scared my niece to stop her from going into my room?
MacOS vs. Windows for Linux users in work environment?
“Absolute unit” doesn’t even come close to describing this horse
AITA for cutting it off with a guy after agreeing to go on a date?
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?
sIcK FuCk cArVeS HoLe iN CaT
What's your best insult without using a single profanity?
how do i get a smaller number by multiplying decimals?
“Monty hall problem” revisted
LPT: Don’t exercise before a blood test