Qu'est-ce qui vous fascine/surprend/déçoit le plus par rapport à ce qui se passe aux États-Unis en ce moment ?
Quand nos politiciens disent qu'ils ont créé des infrastructures de pistes cyclables
5080 FE & 5090 FE Prices
L'épisode que vous aimez pas ?
J’ai fait ma part, et vous? (Amazon Prime)
Wholesome update to the Imagineddy situation
Anagramdr: anagrammez n'importe quelle expression
new player don’t understand loot
My experience slamming gear so far...
Would you hire him?
Is This Good Or Not?
Easy strategy for trials
Diablo is done
Premium stash tab upgrade
Game is Boring
Grève de poste
Super Carnaval!
how it feels being a marketer during winter holidays
Dammit, Blizzard, you had ONE freaking job!
Is this a cat or a cushion? (Wrong answers only)
Shall I vaal this staff?
What is this worth in exalted?
If you die to Mr.Lava and kill him at the same time, he doesnt respawn nor can you collect the item.
Icons and mechanics for buff and debuffs for anyone learning. ( Like me)