How often do you make changes + edits to a session at the very last second?
(Maps + Lore) "What if he really meant it?" - President Trump Authorizes Special Border Operation into Canada - Near-future alternate history story line I'm working on, feedback appreciated
2007 Hyundai Elantra, tail lights won’t turn off?
Where to go to look for inspiration?
[Mobile] Is there a way to organize the order of the troops within this little window?
Themed Train Cars 4.5: Chugga Chugga Diesel!
First Map: Any Ideas for Improvement?
27 m straight - what should I do with this weird spot near the ceiling?
England campaign ideas rp mobile
some cool shots of my new passenger train on my new 4K blocks long railway
D&D players of r/ElderScrolls, this is my first draft of a "Shouts" Fighter subclass for a Tamriel setting I'm writing. Could I get some feedback?
I wish every piece of litter would instantly teleport into the bed of whoever disposed of it
Taking cover behind walls
As a non smoker does every smoker smell bad to you?
You are given 24 hours to cater a wedding of 275 people with a 3 course meal. If you satisfy all the criteria you get $22,000. What do you cook?
How do you deal with the desert worm encounter
Starbucks PSA!!!!
Total war is on mobile? How does that even work?
What’s a YouTuber you enjoyed that disappeared?
How do yall do your looting?
In late medieval/early renaissance western Europe, was catholic church service held at the same time every Sunday?
What if North Korea actually followed through on their threats to attack Guam? | Part 1: Immediate aftermath
Things customers do that have you like this
With the New Dev Diaries Releasing About Landless Adventurers, What Ides Do You Have For Their Implementation in ATE Fan Fork?