Some Reddit mods think Bob Sacamano is real!
Who would have been cast as Amber?
What political figure did the best acting on either 30 Rock or Park and Rec
Another overtly religious revealed to be a shithead
Amazingly vile Liz line...
Did Greg actually give preferential treatment to Rhod Gilbert?
What's a line you can't believe they got on TV?
Christians can't comprehend that others don't believe in hell
Funniest line delivery in the show?
First time watcher here. I absolutely love it so far. One question/one hang up I have though...
Chazzzzz when there’s nobody to Chazzzzz
If the orcs called Saruman: sharkû (old man), how would they call Gandalf in black speech?
Unimportant but Unanswered Questions?
my mom banged my friend, I had no clue this was going on.
Lions fans are some of the worst in the league
Just a thought on Kuchi Kopi
Jokes you didn't get until your 11th rewatch, GO...
Kramer’s disgusting activities
Heads up Jake, Amanda is cheating
Top ten anime betrayals
how do you tackle the halal police if any in your friend circle?
Yep, this exists
You must sterilize!
Best quote not from a main character?