Puppy in need of good strong proletariat name
3 Month Old German Shepherd Mix needs a name!
Valentines board!! :)
Bread crackle
First tatto
Rate the fish too hat combo
My bakery design
Favorite spots with dog friendly patios?
First time making focaccia - thoughts?
We are getting dangerously close to failing with this one.
The Kitchen Quiche
Anna Marie Tendler on Distrusting Men, Dating Millionaires, Surviving Depression and Her Debut Memoir ‘Men Have Called Her Crazy’: ‘I Wrote It For Women. I Hope Men Read It, Too’
Justice for Palisade! We all know from this picture where T ISN’T filming. This certainly isn’t the well known peach tourism destination that’s just a drive away from her home. She had to fly somewhere for fancy peaches.
dude on loseit describes starving himself in detail but it’s okay because he’s a man goes to the gym ig 😍
Unamended Denver clay soil + seeds = POW!
Both with same seeds
Latest fosters this past week
Do I need to worry?
My fresh tattoo is doing all kinds of stupid things. Redness, blisters, bumps,... it's a week old and i have a LOT of tattoos all over my body, never had these issues before. Allergic reaction? Infection?
Why is his head and fins turning white?
When my nails were coffee and long 🥲
Olympic National Park
Northern Lights possibly visible in CO tonight due to severe solar storm
A little board for entertaining
My first *real* board