Shuli you are a fucking hack. Jesus Christ man. Have some self respect.
Hot take 😂
Premieres tonight on YT at 8pm ET:
Should the failing TSN get Bob back to resurrect their old superchat scams?
*FLASHBACK* On an episode of Opie & Anthony, they discuss a documentary about pedophiles. Bob Levy calls in to share his disdain towards them.
Shuli thinks he can succeed without Stuttering John
Shuli addresses plummeting TSN revenue and losing to Ray DeVito
More of Ray DeVito trashing Silent Mike Morse 😆
Ray DeVito trashes Silent Mike Morse “Mike Morse is a piece of garbage!”
Shit Weigher glad for the support for what he & Iso are trying to do. This professional broadcaster re-opened his Cameo account to goof on SJ but didn’t check the old videos still there.
I think Hackverse Anonymous is getting to the “Dan Man”
Wtf is this guy doing?
Fake Tough Guy Shuli
“IM THE HEADLINER!” - Shuli Egar
Alex Stein is a huge Riley Martin fan
Do you think George Bush was actually an idiot, or was he a secret mastermind just playing a character to make his opponents misunderestimate him?
*FLASHBACK* Shuli explains how crucial it is as a stand up comedian to be a consummate professional and perform regardless of the crowd attendance. He also talks about how he had a hard time post Block Party, Killers Of Comedy, Etc… to sell tickets.
KB Prediction: TSN will have huge superchat numbers (FAKE) tonight because KB made fun of Shuli
Shulis producer is now on cameo
And to all the hackverse faigs, you can’t kill me! I’m not going anywhere!
Kevin Brennan elated that Shuli makes less than Ray DeVito
This cant be true: Worst judgment ever ? Did Shuli play video of adults with kids playing theme song "i want to fuck you in ass" after his best friend caught with pics of adults doing the same to infants???
Worst judgment ever ?
Rough January at TSN; Yes, that's before YT's 30% cut + taxes
Shuli: John shouldn’t have taken anything personal from Artie Lange because he is only busting balls. Also Shuli: takes it incredibly personal and gets offended when Artie Lange busts his balls.
Shuli and his "Right Hand Man" did commercials together too