Who was your first lord? 140 hours and no lord, still getting distracted by all the other cool heroes
Why am I having such an awful time in quick play?
It seriously is just quick play
Is it worth playing if I can only play 1-2 hours a day as a casual player?
Seriously make the points make sense...
How it feels to main peni and seeing all the awesome new skins come out, and all you get is a blue mech
I don’t get the mentality of some of you on this game
Here’s the latest pick/ban rates
Vanguard is the most fun role in my opinion. Why does nobody play it?
If you had to choose a second female character for Vanguard after Peni, who would you go for?
Remembering when Budweiser sent out 644 personalised beers to the goalkeepers Lionel Messi had scored against, to celebrate his record 644 goals for Barcelona.
Don’t bother using coms if you’re a female
I hit 60, now what...
Are there new non HC Vanilla servers?
Rear ended someone, need advice
The game needs queue based match making
Played 4, lost 4 - BG Matchmaking please
The amount of people who believes they are STUCK in Bronze/Silver due to bad luck and teammates is insane. If you truly believe it, please explain why.
Best professions to make gold atm?
Guild master makes 2/3 of his guild insta-leave
What time does DM Drop and who wants to group for mage water?
How did everyone do in Phase 1?
What made you the most gold in WoW Classic?
What race/class you are and what music genre you are listening to?