Do you think Michael is on Reddit?
I’m not crazy right?
Please someone help!
I finished the swans album covers from memory thing
"All Swans sounds the same"?
Man, oh man!
What should his first gun be?
aaaaand yep, it’s a masterpiece
Razer Book LCD flex cable
Songs that tell a story/Have a narrative (This is definitely spotify)
Mr. Annoying?
Razer Book lcd flex cable
For Razer representatives
Guitar solos ina Swans song?
Anyone got any idea what is this?
Hi, Can I legally export gun accessories (like stocks, grips, foregrips) from USA?
does anyone else see the same way?
Hi, can someone suggest me a website like an eBay but for gun parts and accessories?
Rockstar games tier list (But I am not a contrarian)
The Necks
[Question] Best "One and Done" watch on a budget
Idk why but this song just went from one of my least favorite swans to now a favorite of mine
If you are a redditor who's never received an award before, leave a comment on this post and I'll give you one. I have 10k coins to use before the end of today, mostly due to this community. Time to give them back.