Younger coworker won't take the hint
Kids opened their presents without me
Anyone see him/her, too? Coyote in the park
Books that feel like this.
TIL about Lucy Salani, who was the only transgender person to have survived imprisonment and torture in the Nazi concentration camps.
WHat do you think of the literature Nobel Laureates from the last 20 years?
I feel so powerless
Looking for tips to prevent frizz in wet weather!
Books that feel like this?
Bean alternative to "beans and rice"?
What’s a word or phrase you can’t stand hearing?
My friend swears up and down that “Get in the pod, starboy” is a quote from Star Wars
Trans girl, help me take my fits to the next level!
Is it bad to feel offended when my skinny friends say they’re fat and feel insecure?
What’s an expensive 💰💰💰 product that is unfortunately REALLY worth it?
How is it so that Americans are claiming that Israel is to blame on everything with the Palestinians because they conquered their land 80 years ago, when the USA was built on conquered land and has led to the death of millions of native americans?
Are vegans just people with eating disorders
Are people's pubes always the same color as their hair?
Dennis Gross LED mask
Gurman: iOS 18 to feature new home screen that is 'more customizable', as part of biggest iPhone update ever
Metatarsal pain years after fracture
Can sexual trauma impact a person's sexuality?
Why are books that are considered "literary" so depressing?
[NeedAdvice] What should a severely depressed 21 year old man who is at absolute rock bottom in literally everything in life do, considering that he has nothing to lose?
Coursera can be great for people who are stuck in the intermediate slump.