Intamin is retracking [El Toro]
I painted [hydra]
Goat Balls/Balls Simulator
Mythic was ELIMINATED! What is the WORST gumball egg? Day six! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg!
Jugnle was ELIMINATED! What is the WORST gumball egg? Day five! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg!
Farm was ELIMINATED! What is the WORST gumball egg? Day four! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg! (sorry for missing yesterday)
Why do people hate them?
Aussie was ELIMINATED! What is the WORST gumball egg? Day three! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg!
How many people do you think secretly don't like you?
Guess my age, gender, sexuality
Does anyone know the name of this silly guy? Wii Party Boardgame Island
Safari was ELIMINATED! What is the WORST gumball egg? Day two! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg!
My babies, Apollo, (pittie lab mix) and Rocky, (coonhound)
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
What is the saddest IPrevail song?
What is the WORST gumball egg? Day one! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg!
What does the color #334BFF reminds you of?
Do you consider collecting trinkets your hobby?
Guys it's happening
Thoughts on Monica
Songs that feel like this?
As a teenage boy, where do you stand politically?
Which one of us has the best/worst taste?