Ερωτήσεις για όσους έφυγαν εξωτερικό ως ανειδίκευτοι.
Stuck. What's the next move?
We did Raj Leonard and Bernadette so far. Now what's the worst thing Amy did?
Is it worth requeuing after a teammate leaves a veteran flashpoint?
I get a notification that a girl liked my profile, but once I open the app i don't see an extra like.
How did they know Ser Criston is Dornish just by looking at him?
I’ve never watched any episode of Game of Thrones, ask me anything and I’ll answer horribly
You volunteered to try a prototype of a full-dive VR headset from a team of underground researchers. You will play as your favorite character, reliving their story from beginning to end, in one of those fictional universes. What WYR select?
What is the easiest role to carry as?
Deleting and recreating your profile.
Does receiving a foot massage sounds more like a reward or a punishment?
How likely is it that Reddit is a psyop?
Γιατί δεν ακούς ποτέ έναν τυραννόσαυρο να πηγαίνει τουαλέτα?
Do you think that Mike Tyson has made the lives of people with similar speech impediments easier or harder?
Linkin Park has decided to tour with 4 other artists. Which of these artists would it make more sense for them to tour with? (assuming Chester Bennington is still alive and they are gonna sing their biggest hits)
Without looking it up, what is the reason for the change in temperature between winter and summer?
Do you live in an echo chamber?
Αυτό το εντομοκτόνο είναι καλό για τις κατσαρίδες?
What do you believe happens after we die?
Do you find Gisele Bündchen attractive?
Have you ever, by choice, listened to an entire music album from start to finish?
When watching nature documentaries and there is a scene where a predator chases its prey, who do you root for?
Who would win in a fight?
Would you rather be burried, or cremated?
What do you think Queen Elizabeth II is ill of?