Does anyone else get kinda turned on when they see the thumbs up when they place a block and clear the thing
True Stat Of Ps99
Is there a way to report those bots?
of a spider in Tobago.
Sex is better when you’re ____
Type “I want a huge” and let you keyboard say the rest
New High Score!!
guys sans undertale appears whenever i type g on my phone is this normal?????
What do you think about my wallpaper?
Tell me
Spirits, what's my username?
Type in "POLICE I SWEAR I DIDNT" And let your keyboard finish it
Teacher! Teacher! I left my ____ In the Bathroom, can I please get it?
yall ever lose a 95% chance unexpected reward??
How do you call this animal in your language?
I have the greatest high score ever😎
Hey wait a minute, that's not my _____!
What gender Kai is?
Kirby just swallowed you,what ability did he get?
Spirits, why am I so stressed?
What is this?
what do i do?
Guys I lost all my data