Which of your big 3 would you say you relate to the most?
lose em how you get em ! 😭
Any ideas ?
Everyone looking at karen while she was giving birth was so weird
What are you addicted to?
How’s your social media addiction going?
Why are you living where you’re living?
Which Sign?
What do you admire most about your significant other, that isn’t their body/appearance?
Ladies and gentlemen of Reddit describe your life rn in 3 words!!
So many colors to choose from! Which one would suit me best? (1-6)
What’s a song lyric that speaks to you?
What's a dead giveaway that someone has worked in the service industry?
What did your ex ruin for you?
What should I name my sweet boy! Something cute but human!
what's the worst feeling you personally get with this disorder?
Ladies of Reddit, what’s something a guy has done (intentional or not) that instantly made you think, “Wow, he’s different in a good way?
Trauma isn't my fault, but healing from it is my responsibility, huh?
Guilty! 😂
What's the hottest thing someone has ever whispered in your ear?
What misconceptions about cptsd would you say 'no' to?
What hair colors might suit me other than blonde?
Reddit, what is the household task you hate the most?
what ruins relationships the most?
Shameless scenes as emotions. Which scene represents “sadness”?