How to counter this Lil headache in exp lane
What do you think ?
Your 1st fictional crush has to marry the m fictional character you hate the most. You are their child. So who are your parents?
Your first fictional crush will have to marry the fictional character you hate the most . You will be their child. So who is your parents?
Name a super power that is really lame and someone explains how it’s super OP
How to counter this Lil b*tch in exp lane
If you could only play one hero for the next month, who would you choose and why? Share your thoughts here 😉
Post your main and everyone post why they hate it
Any tips on using Freya efficiently
Gimme some suggestions
Do it.
You have to lead a country ; choose your mentor/counselor for this
Wyd in this situation? ( Be realistic)
What anime had u rolling on the floor
Which team would win?
Who's kids would be the most overpowered
What anime makes you wanna do this
Which anime parents would u choose for urself?
What is the funniest anime in existence?
which anime got u like
Who would be worst as world ruler?
I guess this is it..
Question time! If you were to recommend an anime to someone who wants to start anime, what would you recommend?
what superpower u gonna choose