It’s Public Domain Day. Copyright has expired in the US on notable books by Hemingway, Faulkner, Woolf and Hammett.
Advice I got from a great writer.
Read great books but also some crappy books, so you feel neither full of yourself nor hopeless about achieving greatness.
How I wrote my first book in jail.
What are some booked you DNFd and why?
Which books had you hooked from the first few pages, paragraphs, or even sentences?
Any thoughts on the future of theater?
I feel that in order to produce powerful movies, we are producing hyper-real movies, and this has the opposite effect of the movies appearing fake. If you agree, how do you think we can solve this problem?
Books that really capture the inner and outer world of childhood (like how young people feel, think about themselves and the world, what motivates them, etc.)?
Children and YA writers: What are some books that really capture childhood (how young people feel, think about themselves and the world, behave)?
Books about mental illness and dysfunctional families, with themes of isolation, search for belonging, and struggling with difficult emotions?
I’d really love to see Tom Cruise in a dramatic role again
Where can I find valid statistics to compare dropout rates based on major or program
What are some plays similar to Long Day's Journey Into Night? In terms of related themes about a dysfunctional family but also isolation/belonging, love, denial of painful feelings, nostalgia, etc.?
Any good foreign films?
What is your favorite sequel that you consider better than the first, one that some may disagree with?
The older i get the less and less the peter jackson LOTR hold up for me.
How often do you finish a book you dislike simply because of the time you have already invested in it?
Have you ever read books that was really elevated by a great read in the audiobook format?
Relationship closeness is a protective factor against the effects of adversity history
Uncut Gems had me sweating on the edge of my seat the whole time. What are other movies like that?
Heavy Marijuana Use Might Raise Risk of Bipolar Disorder, Depression
Regular cannabis use is associated with history of childhood and lifetime trauma in a non-clinical community sample: Lifetime cumulative adversity was positively associated with cannabis use in both men and women.