Why there is no app for the Arc Card? All other major Canadian cities that use this system has an app for their respective cards but not here for some reason, and the Arc website is just horrendous to get anything done.
Courses extra to degree after applying for graduation
would you take a night class if you're a commuter student and don't drive?
Am I being too comfortable with eclass or Canvas is just overly confusing to get used to?
Which elective should I take
Does UASU perk points expire at the end of each term?
How bad is to take an extra term to finish your degree?
Why does the Biosci faculty have separate equivalent courses to other faculties
Since the strike ends tomorrow do you think there will be any possibilty of geting our Jason Lang cheques by new years?
Did anyone got AB student aid to courier their Jason Lang cheque?
Will i die/cry all winter or is this manageable?
When did 5.30pm exams became a thing again!?
Anyone in the Bsc Medical Lab Sciences? can I ask a very few questions about the programme?
If I drop out of school now, what happens to my winter grants/loans?