Star Trek is an unachievable utopia.
Still going to miss it.
What Intel generation would best for Unraid, VMs and Plex transcoding?
What is the worst game you 100%?
iPad Air - good travel investment?
How do you prevent users from accidentally seeing the sharepoint site?
Proposal: Integrate TRaSH Guides Directly into Radarr
Was Janeway right to destroy the array in the first episode of Voyager?
Media download is greatly improved with HEVC encoding
Do you have 100% in any series on TA?
Katrina Bowden
What was the Jedi plan at Geonosis?
Show & Tell: How I pack my AER TP3 for 2+ Weeks of Work Travel
How it Fits - Hard/co Merino Anonymous Highzip
Evan Rachel Wood
No man's sky
How to be an expert!!?
I am not loving Discovery.... How does other NuTrek compare?
What is it about Darmok that makes it so memorable? “Section 31” Review: At best, it’s an olive branch to its contractually obligated megastar; at worst, it’s a “Rebel Moon“-level fiasco that doesn’t get why people watch “Trek” in the first place
"low code, no code"
Destiny 2 Dashboard - Feedback / Suggested Improvements kindly requested!
Titanium Water Bottles
Is Docker faster in 7.0? Recreating my docker image, and everything is moving at a blazing speed.