First To Pro Rank
First To Pro Rank 😤
Can we all agree that the upper zone needs 2 people to attack it and 1 guy to defend the zone at the bottom ?
As Ranked Players, we are cooked
Max second SP is ridiculous weak
BSC2025 in one page
Buzz can bypass Lou freeze?
SK Gaming say goodbye to Lenain
Are there even pro players in this sub Reddit ?
I won the BSC World Finals, AMA
SUMMARY of all the bugs that are currently in the game, comment if I missed some
I'm Adrian, Gameplay Lead on the Brawl Stars team. AMA!
Symantec's tier list
A game breaking bug that I see literally NO ONE talk about
Competitive eSports | Mobile vs Tab
Is Nani a good counterpick to Fang in bounty/KO?
when do you use el fuego instead of meteor rush?
How to pro player manage attack and movement of Stu?
I drew five of the pins for world finals!I don't know which one to draw next.I know I draw awful.
Lowest trophies but highest power league rank you’ve seen?
Stu guide Sheet.
The problem with Poco
is it just me or is the vision gear pretty much useless?
Guide Sheet for Surge. it is the reworked Surge.