To all the people thinking new devil has been introduced.....
I have never used profanity on reddit
Got banned from the discord wrongly
Low-effort depiction of the state of this sub on 14.02
My first nuke (made on phone). Srsly tho, how are yall making the works of art I see daily? Please drop tutorials.
What did you guys get from titan data pad?
Optimum settings for ARK:UEM?
The glossy coating is starting to come off of one of my Buds Live. Is this just frim regular wear and tear?
The glossy coating on one of my Galaxy Buds Live seems to be coming off.
My Waifu On Lock Screen 🛐
Why does this damn game keep giving me Fengbao components?
Guys I’m going to use my points to buy a 5star emote which one should I get?
New gift marathon
Why is the trophy system so bad?
Modules not working.
Spent 3 days saving up 1000 Keys for a Gold chest, only to get a pilot I already have. Fvck you Pixonic.
Should I quit music?
Best cheap Dagon starter build?
What's a good Dagon starter build?
How to compensate for unbalanced matchmaking?
unban me i’m a sub
Need build recommendations
How do i make use of the Bulwark?
Check this out guys.